Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Mother’s day

 Mother’s Day was Sunday. It’s tough. Everyone asks what did you do to celebrate. Casey is in GA and working on Sunday. And  Well, with one of your children in heaven, it hits differently. It’s hard to put into words. It’s definitely a void and sad. I have gained a daughter in law and grandchild with another on the way. For this, I am grateful. That constant emptiness is always there when you lose a child. It’s always with you. It should be. My son will never be forgotten and he is always with me. I miss you , Cody. 

Saturday, April 27, 2024

31st birthday

 This year I’m in GA with Casey, Lisa and Mia. We talked about Cody  and had wings, his favorite, for dinner. I miss him beyond words. It’s just so unreal. 10 birthdays in heaven. I can only imagine what he would be like now, married, kids? It’s all so very heartbreaking. Glad to get a hug tonight from Casey. I will push on. 

Monday, December 18, 2023

Dec. 18, 2023

 On this day, at 9:30 pm, we sweet angel took his last breath in my arms. This is the worst pain in the world. No one should lose a child. Cancer took him from me. So very awful and unfair. 

I know this pain. Things like Cody never getting to be an uncle. He would be perfect at it. He will never get married and have children of his own. That is where we are in life and it hurts! He will never get to be a brother in law to Lisa. She would adore him too. This second chapter of life is beautiful except that he’s missing. 

I will continue to keep him alive. His foundation shows his impact to others. His name is heard. My friends and family all do such a great job in celebrating him. This I am so blessed for. 

I miss my son. 

Thursday, December 14, 2023


 Today marks 15 years since Cody was first diagnosed with ALL.  That’s all. 

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Happy 30th Birthday.

 I cannot wrap my head around this deep loss. How could my son be 30 and not be here? How can I not be planning his party? How can I not think about who he’d be? Where would he live? Would he be married? Kids? All of that was put to an abrupt stop Dec 18,2014. Life here on earth was over for my son. I miss him more than words. Tough day to say the least. Keep all the signs coming Cody. I need them. I might as everything about you. One day closer to seeing you again. Rest easy my boy. 

Sunday, December 18, 2022

8 years….

 It has been 8 long years without my son. 8.  Just think about that. Today was tough. I try to do things to keep my son in Everyone’s mind. It’s easy for me..he never leaves it. I love and long for all the signs and I know he is with me. He would be an uncle now. I know he would love that role. I am sure Mia knows he is around. We miss and love you dearly, Cody. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

April 27, 2022

 My son would have been 29 today.  I cannot wrap my head around this.  His beautiful niece will never know her favorite uncle.  I know he would be her favorite.  Today I went to Lion Country Safari.  I took the boys there when they were little.  I know Cody always loved animals too.  This one ostrich was pecking on my window.  Go figure.  And tonight one of the pictures of Cody feel down.  I know he is near.  I feel it.  Thank you, Cody.  I love seeing how many people remember Cody and have stories to tell.  I miss him so much.  Happy heavenly birthday my son.